Детективное агентство «Частный детектив» Почему в наше время люди все больше доверяют частным детективам? Почему обращаются в частные детективные агентства? Дело в том, что иногда мы попадаем в очень неудобные ситуации и наши проблемы нужно решить деликатно. Эти проблемы не всегда входят в компетенцию правоохранительных органов. А иногда наши проблемы решаются правоохранительными органами слишком долго, без должного рвения.

Services of private detective in the Cage


Today, to use the services of private detectives can absolutely anyone who needs it, regardless of where he lives, works or is not married. And if you live in Egypt, and in particular in the city of Kakha, or you need to solve some personal or work issues in this city, you can feel free to contact our detective agency "Private Detective Egypt," which for many years of his work It has acquired a solid reputation as a reliable partner and assistant in a variety of situations. And, perhaps, there is the sphere of human life to which we would not have to face or work in a given period of time. And it is worth saying that we operate exclusively within the law of the country in which we operate. Also, all of our employees are former employees of law enforcement bodies, which is a significant indicator of our professionalism and attitude to their work. And this is already enough to trust us.

In what areas do we work?

Our private investigators are working practically in all spheres and directions. Do you need to carry out identification of betrayal of her husband, or wife, or do you want to spend surveillance for your own child, to make sure he did not get into bad company, you can easily dial our phone number. The doors of our detective agency always are open to everyone. Of course, it is difficult to tell, what exactly is the problem people come to us because on the one hand the difficulties are very similar, but on the other hand, they have individual character. Accordingly, although we always use the experience, but it almost never use standard solutions and are looking for exactly the solution that is most effective in your case.

Detection of the betrayal

Adultery - it's one of the most common issues that apply to our detective agency in the city of Caja. In principle, this is not surprising, because now people have become more freely and irresponsibly feel and behave without incurring virtually no responsibility for those they cherish. And the wife has no problem to have a lover, while her husband is away on business, as well as for her husband there is nothing wrong to change with another woman while his wife is busy raising children. But this does not mean that cheating husband or wife is the norm for the deceived party. And no matter how it was not pleasant, but it is better to know the truth, and even file for divorce because of infidelity men or women, a number of years living in constant deception and the person to whom you simply do not need. But be warned that if you want to be checked for loyalty, then you need to be ready for any outcome is committed, as a pleasant would not he may be for you.

Conducting search of people

Search of people - is another focus of our work, which is quite popular among our customers. And they come to us as the search for people by name if you just have not seen for a long time with an old friend or some relative, of which only heard from other relatives. We can also help you find a person by phone number. But beyond that, we naturally searches for relatives who just came out of the house and never returned. Unfortunately, these problems occur quite often, especially when it comes to holiday in the resort cities of Egypt. But do not panic and immediately fed to make any adverse findings. Before you give up, dial the number of our detective agency and ask for the help of private detectives. But this should be done as quickly as possible, because this issue plays an important role is the time. The sooner you call us, the sooner we will begin to search for, and hence the chances of finding the person a few times will be higher. It is very important in such matters, so that you have given us as much information that our employees do not waste your precious time to collect the necessary information about your person.

детективне агентство

But collecting data is a separate service of our detective agency. And the service is very crucial if you are planning to sign a new contract with the partner with whom have never worked and are not sure about the honesty of this man. It is also important to collect information about those you recruit. But here it is appropriate to use a tool such as a lie detector. Polygraph test has helped so many of our customers to avoid cooperation with the spies who were trying to infiltrate into the company under the guise of new employees.

Also addressing the problem of commercial espionage is conducting testing facilities to detect listening devices. Moreover, such checks should certainly not be one-off, but periodically, allowing you to keep abreast of time and stop any attempts intrusion into your affairs. To us often turn to the question of where to buy antiproslushku. But the fact that such a device does not exist. Only high-quality and competent work of specialists can help detect wiretapping of mobile phones and get rid of them. In particular we can detect hidden and photographic surveillance, which can lead you. And we will certainly reveal who is professionally engaged in surveillance as a man. Just give us a call right now, to feel safe.





Написати представникам у регіоні Каха

Уважніше звірте свої контактні дані на недопущення помилок. В іншому випадку ми не зможемо Вам відповісти. Якщо на протязі дня з Вами не зв'яжуться наші представники, зателефонуйте будь ласка на телефон вказаний на сайті, і повідомте нам про це

Ваше повідомлення успішно відправлено!

Головний принцип нашої роботи - робити, а не обіцяти.
  • переконайтеся в якості нашої роботи, зробивши замовлення;
  • кожен наш працівник несе особисту відповідальність за конфіденційність взаємодії з клієнтом;
  • ми надаємо замовнику тільки перевірену інформацію.


Дружина мені відразу сказала, що довго вдома сидіти після пологів не буде і треба вирішувати питання з нянею. Я, як бізнесмен,…

— Гахіджі

Моя історія також у наш час типова. Особливість в тому, що речі мого сина стали зникати з дому. Потреби ми ніякої не відчуваємо,…

— Ксенія
Всі відгуки
Відстежимо людини через телефон

Наше детективне агентство в Єгипті досить часто стикається з такою проблемою, як пошук зниклих безвісти людей. І ситуації, з якими до нас приходять клієнти, найрізноманітніші. Але дуже багато типових випадків, коли родич похилого віку вийшов на вулицю на прогулянку і не повернувся додому з причини втрати пам'яті або несподіваного нападу.

Простежимо розташування людини через айфон

Про те, як простежити місце розташування людини, хотіли б знати дуже багато людей з тих чи інших причин. Але варто відразу сказати про те, що стеження за телефоном людини є протизаконною дією.

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