Детективное агентство «Частный детектив» Почему в наше время люди все больше доверяют частным детективам? Почему обращаются в частные детективные агентства? Дело в том, что иногда мы попадаем в очень неудобные ситуации и наши проблемы нужно решить деликатно. Эти проблемы не всегда входят в компетенцию правоохранительных органов. А иногда наши проблемы решаются правоохранительными органами слишком долго, без должного рвения.

Debt recovery quickly and according to the law


Probably not a single person, who at least once in their life did not take or not to lend money. And there is nothing inappropriate, as each of us can face difficult situations, when other options have simply no choice. But the problems start when it comes time to make repayment of debts. The most honest people who have not been able to solve their problems, call and ask to extend the loan term, if it is a private financial relationship, but others simply disappear, cease to call themselves and do not respond to calls to its creditors.



This leads to the fact that there is a need to take advantage of collection services. Contact the company with a dubious reputation is dangerous, because it is not known exactly how they carry out debt collection in Egypt. And not infrequently, this process is associated with crime. But if you just want to get their money back, and not to be involved in criminal cases, you should contact the detective agency "Private Detective Egypt." We produce the provision of collection services in accordance with the law and never using force, threats and other methods of influence on the human psyche, which can lead to the most disastrous consequences. And that's why our collectors, who are able to return the debt quickly and competently, so popular among our customers as individuals, and among companies.


Before you begin an immediate repayment of debts, we carefully study the situation and conditions of the agreement with our client in his debt. People often begin to say that they have no money and no other options, where to get them. We endeavor to collect information on this fact, to find out how it is reliable. And depending on the actual situation can offer options such as novation or selling debt. Of course, this is largely concerned exclusively with legal entities. But often such options may be acceptable and for individuals.


Collection services on our part can be provided in different versions and are always exclusively with a personal touch. You can ask us only to find out detailed information about who owes you money, then to independently decide how to carry out debt recovery in Egypt, and if you are successful in this case the sale of debt or novation. Or you can write to our staff attorney, on which he had from your face will solve all the problems associated with this question.


Also, you can just get our advice on how to be organized sale of debt or novation is depending on your situation. But no matter how difficult it may have been your question, it is not necessary to forgive the full amount of the debtor, and the repayment of debts should be performed in any case. And collection services detective agency "Private Detective Egypt" you will certainly help in this.


The main principle of our work - to do rather than promise.
  • make sure the quality of our work by making the order;
  • Each member of our staff is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of client interaction;
  • we provide the customer only verified information.


Recently vacationing in Egypt and met a Russian girl. She lives there in Sharm el-Sheikh. But when I returned home, I…


I express my special heartfelt thanks to all the staff of the detective agency "Private Detective Egypt" for their work…

— An anonymous client
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Track the person through the phone

Our detective agency in Egypt quite often faced with such a problem, as the search for missing people. And the situations that come to us customers, a variety of. But a lot of the typical cases where elderly relatives went out for a walk and did not return home due to memory loss or an unexpected attack. People are beginning to look for them in all the hospitals and other institutions

Let us trace the location of the person through the iPhone

To learn how to track location of the person, we would like to know so many people for various reasons. But it is necessary to say at once that the surveillance of phone a person is illegal.

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