Детективное агентство «Частный детектив» Почему в наше время люди все больше доверяют частным детективам? Почему обращаются в частные детективные агентства? Дело в том, что иногда мы попадаем в очень неудобные ситуации и наши проблемы нужно решить деликатно. Эти проблемы не всегда входят в компетенцию правоохранительных органов. А иногда наши проблемы решаются правоохранительными органами слишком долго, без должного рвения.

Services of private detective in Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh

The reality of modern life is that in order to ensure their own safety and that of their families, as well as the business, it needs to keep abreast of and take action to control many of the processes in their lives. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that in such a situation, any person may need outside help. And in some situations such help must necessarily come from the experts, which you can find in a detective agency "Private Detective Egypt", whose activities are in no way limited by geography. So if you live in any other city, but you need help is in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh, you can safely call us and tell about what happened to you. And you can be sure that if your situation is not at all connected with the crime, our specialists will certainly help you in solving the problem.

Of course, in some situations, certainly it is necessary to address immediately to law enforcement agencies to take the help of the relevant authorities, but this does not contradict the fact and to take the help of employees of private investigation. For example, if you are faced with a situation where the house is gone loved one and did not come back, there is of course necessary to apply to the state authorities. But in such cases, it plays an important role and time. And the more resources will be involved with you, the faster the search process will go relatives. The more that our staff are all former employees of law enforcement bodies. Therefore, it is a big difference in the professionalism you will not notice, but that performance are much higher due to the fact that we have the opportunity to work out regulations to be followed by our colleagues. We are starting to carry out search of people as soon as we receive the application. But as we work not only with such critical situations, but also to those cases where there is a need to find a person by phone number if you can not reach him or need to find the last name of someone with whom you have, for example not seen for many years. We use in our work extensive databases that are very helpful, even if the search of relatives with whom you can be completely unfamiliar. So if you need to organize search for people by name or set the address on the phone, you will certainly not hesitate to contact us at any time. And you can be sure that we will certainly find you the necessary decision. But do not count on the fact that our experts can work wonders. We are the same as ordinary people, who do their job well. But we can not solve the problem is not solvable.

What to do in case of betrayal of a spouse?

This question is very relevant today for many seed pairs that pass through a particular crisis in their family life. And someone finds the strength to move on, even if well aware that his wife has a lover. But we are always ready and in this regard to provide you all possible assistance. We employ the most experienced psychologists, who can at any time hold a consultation for you as a personal meeting or by Skype or by telephone. This, incidentally, is different, our detective agency, we offer a very wide range of services. But before we make any definite conclusions, necessary to identify the betrayal of her husband, or wife, which clearly prove or disprove your suspicions on this score. And when working with us you do not need to conduct their own surveillance of telephone husband or wife, and it will be enough just to tell us about what you care about and expected results of our work. Usually test of loyalty in such cases does not last long, and very soon you will get the results of our photographic surveillance, making sure that your significant other is really cheating on you, or did you just make a mistake. But you will agree that sometimes get to know the whole truth about what his wife has a lover, than to suffer constantly in some suspicions. If you decide that the only way out of this situation for you would be a divorce because of infidelity woman or a man, then you can also take advantage of our lawyers. And as the practice shows, that it often ends up family life, stumbled on adultery.

Secure your business

Search of people

A special category of our customers - are entrepreneurs who come to us often asking to protect their business against the penetration of various kinds of spyware. This work requires a minimum of painstaking and professional approach than any other challenge to which we give our customers. Often to identify those who spend gathering information in your office, we have to make the introduction of its own employees, who are investigating. Including one of the most effective and fastest ways enough to reveal exactly who in your office is a antispyware scan of the entire team becomes a lie detector. We conduct a polygraph examination as in his office and in the offices of our clients. And our experience was not a single case that someone was able to fool the polygraph, although there have been overt attempts in this direction.

Including important aspect in ensuring the security of their business is to conduct testing facilities to identify bugs. This definitely is not worth doing personally, because it does not just require some knowledge, but also special equipment that allows you to quickly locate wiretapping of mobile phones.




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The main principle of our work - to do rather than promise.
  • make sure the quality of our work by making the order;
  • Each member of our staff is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of client interaction;
  • we provide the customer only verified information.


Recently I had the feeling that I was someone watching. At first thought, just very tired at work the last few months,…

— Ilina Svetlana

My husband has recently become all too often go on business trips. I was not surprised because he was promoted at work…

— Oksana
All reviews
Track the person through the phone

Our detective agency in Egypt quite often faced with such a problem, as the search for missing people. And the situations that come to us customers, a variety of. But a lot of the typical cases where elderly relatives went out for a walk and did not return home due to memory loss or an unexpected attack. People are beginning to look for them in all the hospitals and other institutions

Let us trace the location of the person through the iPhone

To learn how to track location of the person, we would like to know so many people for various reasons. But it is necessary to say at once that the surveillance of phone a person is illegal.

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