Детективное агентство «Частный детектив» Почему в наше время люди все больше доверяют частным детективам? Почему обращаются в частные детективные агентства? Дело в том, что иногда мы попадаем в очень неудобные ситуации и наши проблемы нужно решить деликатно. Эти проблемы не всегда входят в компетенцию правоохранительных органов. А иногда наши проблемы решаются правоохранительными органами слишком долго, без должного рвения.

Services of private detective in Luxor


In the modern world of today have their own requirements for each profession and specialty. It is no exception, and such work as a private investigator. Although to call it a job or profession is difficult. Rather, it's more like a way of life, which has blurred the line between who you are at work and those who are in simple life. It almost does not exist any certain frameworks or regulations, because at any moment may require someone to emergency assistance. It is important to understand that not long ago detective agency staff member should be able simply to keep secrets and maintain certain types of investigations. But today a large requirement for private investigators was the ability to master modern technologies. Virtually no one job is not complete without the use of certain technical tools. And even the seemingly banal shadowing the man also carried out using photo or video equipment. Our employees while constantly improving their skills, and are in a constant process of learning, watching the emergence of new technologies and solutions. So you can be sure that will work not just with professionals but with the best professionals in the industry. And with whatever questions and concerns are not addressed to us by our customers, they are always assured that their issue will be considered very carefully. We never pigeonhole incoming requests, regardless of their degree of complexity and urgency. For us it is very important to you as quickly as possible got the result of our work.

Conducting search of people

Although many wanted men and is associated with the fact that someone, somewhere, has gone missing, in fact, such orders have a very extensive area of activity. And come to us not only with requests that are related in order to conduct a search for relatives of missing persons, but also with those requests, which relate to the fact that to find someone by phone number, which has taken the money and not just is not going to return but vanished. He can not answer the phone, change the place of residence, deliberately hiding from you. But this does not mean that our specialists are not able to find such a person by the name. Although you should be prepared for the fact that our employees will not give any specific assurances that the search for people by name or other data provided by you really fast enough to bring you the expected results. Definitely, we can ensure that our side will take all possible actions to find out the address on the phone and, in principle, to find a man. But ensure that any concrete results in such cases, we simply can not. However, if such work is not uncommon, we appeal to our colleagues from other countries, if the search goes beyond the people of Egypt, and not just the city of Luxor.

Gathering information about the partners and employees


A separate category of our clients are business owners and entrepreneurs of various ranks. They are concerned in most cases it is information security of their business which ensure a high level can only really such professionals who work in our detective agency. Here, the work must be carried out in several directions. It is important to make a careful selection of the employees with whom you plan to work. For this very little just to gather information or to carefully review the questionnaire with a resume. Therefore, we recommend that you book with us conducting a polygraph test, which will let you know the truth firsthand. At the same time we do not need to ask direct questions to get the answers we are interested. The most important thing in such cases is to survey the polygraph does produce professionals. And our experts very carefully prepared for each such testing. This approach eliminates the possibility that your office staff will include spyware. But this does not exclude the possibility that you may appear bugs. Therefore, another important aspect of information security company is conducting testing facilities to identify bugs. And to discover the wiretapping of mobile phones are not just enough to have many years of experience, although it is very important. But it is also important to use modern equipment which is capable in its effectiveness to beat any antiproslushku accomplished. And we use just such advanced technical solutions.

How do you know about the change of a spouse

Adultery - a problem that has no age, which worried the family for hundreds of years, and probably will be indestructible in the future. But sometimes aware of the fact of treason husband or wife is no less important than simply avoid even the possibility of infidelity. And many come to us in order to book revealing her husband's infidelity and his wife did not even planning to file for divorce because of infidelity women. We will as soon as possible ready to conduct its own independent investigation in this direction and to provide you with these facts that show you whether the wife's lover, or is it you do not really change.





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The main principle of our work - to do rather than promise.
  • make sure the quality of our work by making the order;
  • Each member of our staff is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of client interaction;
  • we provide the customer only verified information.


Recently had to sign a contract with a major foreign partners. Never before them did not work. Like clean guys. But something…

— Bukh

I'm a freelancer. Periodically faced with fraudsters at work, who do not pay. But suddenly faced with the fact that were…

— Badr
All reviews
Track the person through the phone

Our detective agency in Egypt quite often faced with such a problem, as the search for missing people. And the situations that come to us customers, a variety of. But a lot of the typical cases where elderly relatives went out for a walk and did not return home due to memory loss or an unexpected attack. People are beginning to look for them in all the hospitals and other institutions

Let us trace the location of the person through the iPhone

To learn how to track location of the person, we would like to know so many people for various reasons. But it is necessary to say at once that the surveillance of phone a person is illegal.

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