Детективное агентство «Частный детектив» Почему в наше время люди все больше доверяют частным детективам? Почему обращаются в частные детективные агентства? Дело в том, что иногда мы попадаем в очень неудобные ситуации и наши проблемы нужно решить деликатно. Эти проблемы не всегда входят в компетенцию правоохранительных органов. А иногда наши проблемы решаются правоохранительными органами слишком долго, без должного рвения.

Disclosure of crimes on the Internet


Internet crime is happening everywhere. Just a lot of users, even becoming their victim, do not always think about it, yet not incur any certain material losses. For some people the same special punch can be a theft of any information. And if to catch common criminals sometimes enough to apply to law enforcement agencies and to be sure that sooner or later the offender is found, then the scammers on the Internet require special professional attention that they can provide employees detective agency "Private Detective Egypt."


Among our customers who have already become a victim of fraud on the Internet, there are not only large companies whose accounts or databases were suddenly broken. Also in this area, we provide our services for individuals who are actively their business through the Internet. Often we are approached by freelancers who discover that their e-wallets unexpectedly reset to zero or katochek through online banks were written off by all means. But crime in the network are connected not only with material goods or theft of information, as well as attempts to influence a certain way on people's minds.



Of course, that users who are faced with this type of fraud on the Internet, there is a question about where to complain on the internet scams. And for our part we can give you only one answer - detective agency "Private Detective Egypt." Our staff are qualified and experience in this direction, knowing what to do in such situations and how to calculate the hacker.


Basically under attack online fraud are large companies that are direct financial interest to attackers. And in most cases, directly from within the safety of such companies can not cope with the task of ensuring security in this area. In detective agency "Private Detective Egypt" experts have sufficient qualifications and experience to ensure your security against fraud on the Internet, at any level. And we not only know how to calculate the hacker, but also successfully fighting fraud on the Internet. Therefore, if you are faced with such a problem, please call us so we have taken steps to prevent Internet crimes against you or your company.


The main principle of our work - to do rather than promise.
  • make sure the quality of our work by making the order;
  • Each member of our staff is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of client interaction;
  • we provide the customer only verified information.


I own a small business in Egypt. Rent tourist apartments and rooms for rent. Of course, sometimes there are different…

— Karoan

If you want to find true professionals who will help you in difficult situations, only here they work. I periodically…

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Track the person through the phone

Our detective agency in Egypt quite often faced with such a problem, as the search for missing people. And the situations that come to us customers, a variety of. But a lot of the typical cases where elderly relatives went out for a walk and did not return home due to memory loss or an unexpected attack. People are beginning to look for them in all the hospitals and other institutions

Let us trace the location of the person through the iPhone

To learn how to track location of the person, we would like to know so many people for various reasons. But it is necessary to say at once that the surveillance of phone a person is illegal.

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