Cost of services in our detective agency
Cost of services detective detective agency "Private Detective Egypt" is calculated in each case individually. Therefore, you will not find on our website price list with certain painted prices for each item. It is very important to consider what kind of services you will order, and in what conditions will get done. Therefore, in order to know exactly how much it will cost you to cooperate with our detective agency, call us now. And after you answer some of our questions, we will be able to estimate the exact cost of a private detective.
What factors influence the formation of prices
On the pricing of the private detective has a great influence urgency of your order and the geography of its implementation. If it will be necessary to identify the betrayal of her husband or wife in Egypt during a certain period, the price will be one, if the identification of adultery should take place in another country, and tomorrow or today, and of course the cost of such work will be completely different. Also on pricing affects the complexity of the work itself. Some orders can perform one of our private detective, but in some cases we have to connect not only the whole team detective agency "Private Detective Egypt", but also our colleagues from other countries that will naturally increase the pay of our work.
But we guarantee that the cost of a private detective is never going to overpriced on our side and always corresponds to the efforts spent by us and other resources. If we can not with absolute certainty ensure the implementation of a particular order, for example, when it comes to the search for a car or locating the relatives, we are warned in advance about our customers, so you can appreciate all their risks, making us an advance payment, which is mandatory for our work. This is due to the fact that we will be sure that all the initial action on our part will not be carried out in the empty and you do not change your mind expected results of the work performed. Also, almost always, our employees have certain costs in carrying out their work. This may be the cost of travel and payment of other necessary things.
The cost of services detective will depend on your direct involvement in the process of a particular investigation. Sometimes we really need such cooperation. In some cases, part of the customer totally undesirable. And it is very important that the client did not show their own initiative, but in all trusted private detective. If any of your actions will complicate the process of work, which performs a private detective, the cost of services will be increased at our discretion.
Specify all these details individually you can with our staff on the phone if you do not want to meet in person and at a meeting in our office or at any convenient for you area. Each of our private detective whose value is acceptable for each client carefully looks into your problem, and then announce the figure.
Methods of payment for our services
To pay for the services of a detective agency "Private Detective Egypt", you can just use whatever order you payment system MONEY GRAMM, WebMoney, WESTERN UNION, postal order or personal cash.